idols, 2023 screen, 2022
synthetic polymer paint on automotive upholstery
Haydens Gallery
Brunswick East, Melbourne body I, 2023
burnished terracotta, beeswax
body II, 2023
burnished terracotta, beeswax
idol I, 2023
burnished terracotta, beeswax, synthetic polymer paint, plywood, pine (timber
salvaged from Bleachers (2017), a collaborative work by Jimmy Nuttall and
Nicholas Smith exhibited at Firstdraft, Wooloomooloo)
idol II, 2023
burnished terracotta, beeswax, synthetic polymer paint, plywood, pine (timber
salvaged from Bleachers (2017), a collaborative work by Jimmy Nuttall and
Nicholas Smith exhibited at Firstdraft, Wooloomooloo)
idol III, 2023
burnished terracotta, beeswax, synthetic polymer paint, plaster, chalk, pine (timber
salvaged from shelving unit built by my Mother for her childhood bedroom)
idol IV, 2023
plaster, pine and plywood (timber salvaged from studio desk circa 2016-2020)
untitled, 2023
synthetic polymer paint and oil on photographic print